Pucked Helena Hunting Pdf Free

A random chick snags Buck before I can ask after Charlene's crush. The smile slapped across his face might look friendly, but I've been around him long enough to know better. I enjoy his growing frustration as she snaps selfie after selfie. When she grabs his junk, I take pity on him.

By Helena Hunting (Author) and 4 more 4.5 out of 5 stars (2,666).The 1st standalone novel in The Pucked Series. Download Pucked by Helena Hunting PDF novel free. “Pucked by Helena Hunting PDF Download” is an absolute page turner from page one. The prose are beautifully written in a style that readers of Helena’s work have come to expect. Forever Pucked - Helena Hunting. Dedication I wouldn’t have found my lady balls without you, Pepper.

'Hey, beefcake, enough with the soft-porn photo shoot. Grab a chair!'

Both his head and the girl's snap in my direction, as well as those of half the team. I may have raised my voice too much. With the way Buck is smiling, I must be the color of a tomato. His relief and the girl's incredulity are rather satisfying, so the awkwardness is worth it. The slut-bag mumbles something, and Buck grows grim. 'That's my sister.'

Her expression turns from irritation to discomfort; she apologizes and teeters off on her outrageous heels.

Buck drops into the seat beside mine, throwing his arm across my chair. 'Thanks for the save. I thought she was gonna whip my dick out right there.'

I scoff. 'Whatever. Your micro-wang is barely visible to the naked eye. Besides, I didn't want to listen to you whine about a herpes flare-up.'

Movement in my peripheral vision catches my attention as one of Buck's teammates takes the seat beside me. I hope he didn't hear me slagging Buck's doodle.

I glance at him in time for a set of boobs to practically smack me in the face as a waitress places a drink in front of him. It looks like milk. I give him the side-eye as she moves away. The guy sitting to his right asks him a question, drawing his attention away from me.

I recognize him from the time-out box: Waters. Holy shitballs, is he ever hot. His dark hair is cut short, and he's got some wicked scruff going on. Even with the beard growth, I can tell he's been blessed with one of those rugged jawlines.

Nerves, embarrassment, and Waters' hotness have a cumulative effect, making me sweaty. I pull my sweater over my head, not accounting for static, and my T-shirt sticks to the woolly outer-layer. Face covered with fabric, I scramble to pull the shirt into place. The silence at the table is telling. Once I wrestle free of the sweater, I'm met with a number of wide eyes focused on my chest. I look down. Right. My bra is visible through the pale pink cotton, and now everyone at this table, including Buck, has seen it unfiltered by the shirt.

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Buck leans in and whispers, 'Put the sweater back on.'

I play dumb. 'Why'

'Everyone can see' He motions toward my chest without looking.


I wave him off. 'It's not that obvious.' It's totally that obvious.

He shoots me one of his glares. It's meant to be threatening, but it makes him look constipated. I leave the sweater off to irritate him. It's effective. His face turns an interesting shade of red.

'I need another beer.' He slams his mug on the table and eyes me as he gets up and goes to the bar, despite the half-full pitcher of beer on the table.

I'm about to put the sweater on again when Waters turns to me.

'Hi, I'm Alex.' He's all pretty smile and white teeth. They're probably fake. Those eyes are something else, though, even if he is sporting the makings of a black eye. I try hard not to look directly at him, afraid I'll be ensnared by his rugged, handsome face.

Pucked off helena hunting

'I'm Violet.'

'I didn't realize Butterson had a sister.'

Even his voice is familiar, satin smooth and deep. He takes a sip of his drink, leaving behind a milk mustache he quickly wipes away. It's then I realize where I recognize him from: the milk advertisements. Sweet Lord, I've been jilling off to him. My mortification reaches new heights, causing me to say something more insane than usual.

Sarina Bowen

'I'm his stepsister. He likes to keep me a secret since he wants to go all Ophelia on my ass.' My eyes widen at my terrible joke. Though, if he's anything like Buck, he won't get the reference.

'Butterson would make a crap nun, eh'

I swear he's made an accurate reference to Shakespeare. Stunned, I make direct eye contact. Or I try to. His eyes keep bouncing between my chest and my face, so that's a challenge.

Normally, I'd be put out by his blatant ogling, but I've asked for it with the sheer shirt and the ostentatious bra.

I further my own embarrassment and his by cupping my breasts and squeezing. 'They're nice for real ones, huh'

His eyes shoot to mine. Busted.

Pucked Up Helena Hunting

'I uh'I didn't mean to'I wasn't'

This is one of the most entertaining interactions I've had with a member of the opposite sex in ages. I make a snicker-snort noise and look away.

Buck leans against the bar, talking to a girl whose skirt is so short it's abundantly clear she's not wearing underwear. I nudge Alex with my elbow. His arm is like a rock. 'Check out Buck's friend.'

I wouldn’t have found my lady balls without you, Pepper.
Husband of mine; you make this possible. Thank you for being my sidekick, my best friend and my assistant when I need you. You wear all the hats. You’re amazing and I love you for every sacrifice you make and every opportunity you give me to thrive.
Mom, Dad, Mel and Chris, I love you so much, thanks for being my family.
Debra, pepper is the best. Thank the lord I have you, because no one else could manage me. I love you.
Kimberly and the crew at RF Literary and Meire and Flavia at Bookcase; let’s keep making magic happen.
Nina; you always have my back, and my front, and all the sides.
Jessica, let’s sleep for after this. Thank you for keeping me on the level, particularly when plastic beavers are involved.
Shannon, insert smiling poop emoticon here. Thanks for managing the stressful parts! I love you.
Ellie, you are seriously amazing. Thank you for taking care of me. We make an amazing team.
Teeny, you are unbelievable. Like totally. Thank you for being there to walk me through all the things and then just take over, because you’re made of magic.
Erika, one day, we’ll appreciate the stamina together. You’re what fabulous is made for. Thank you for being real.
Susi, muffin, I want to snuggle you like Miller.
Sarah, honestly, I’m not sure how I functioned before without you. Thanks for making sure I don’t forget to breathe.
Hustlers; Alecia, Amanda, Ciara, Deb, Melissa, Jennie, Stephanie, Serena, Elaine, Sarah, Lauren, Christina, Elizabeth, Angy and Cherie you’re part of my family. I love you ladies. Thank you for making releases so much fun and for being such an important part of my world!
Deb, Sarah & Jen, thank you for calming me down, because seriously, this one was a little whackadoodle.
Heather, you’re the best stalker, I can’t wait to see you and your hair again.
Kandace, you’re the most amazing kind of human being. I’m so glad we had time in Vegas together.
Beaver Babes, you ladies are incredible! I love hanging out with you and chatting books, and getting excited for new projects! Thank you for being with me on this journey, you make my day brighter just for existing.
To my Backdoor Babes; Tara, Meghan, Deb and Katherine, I love that we can all just be weird together and it’s okay.
My Smut Saloon ladies; Melanie, Jessica and Geneva, the gifs are the best way to communicate!
To my Pams, the Filets, my Nap girls; 101’ers, and Indies Tijan, Vi, Penelope, Susi, Deb, Erika, Katherine, Alice, Shalu, Amanda, Leisa, Kellie, Vicki, you are fabulous in ways I can’t explain. Thank you for being my friends, my colleagues, my supporters, my teachers, my cheerleaders and my soft places to land.
My WC crew; thank you for celebrating this journey with me and for being my friends even though I don’t get to see you every day anymore.
Colleen, thank you for The Bookworm, for being an inherently good person, and for being such an inspiration.
To all my author friends and colleagues; thank you for all the amazing things you do and share, for celebrating each other’s successes, for sharing the platform and for making this such an amazing community to be part of.
To all the amazing bloggers and readers out there who have supported me from the beginning of my angst, to the ridiculous of my humour; thank you for loving these stories, for giving them a voice, for sharing your thoughts and for being such amazing women. I’m honoured and humbled and constantly amazed by what a generous community you are.
To my Originals; my fandom friends who started on this crazy journey back in 2008, I can’t believe how far we’ve all come. Thank you for sticking with me, and for being the reason I’m here, doing this thing, and loving it.
Anniversaries Suck
Cheesy Balls
Today is mine and Alex’s one-year anniversary, and it sucks donkey dick. Well, it’s one of our “anniversaries.” Alex likes to celebrate every single milestone in our relationship because he’s sappy and romantic like that. He also likes to have an excuse to buy me gifts. Lots of them. Extravagant ones. For my birthday he bought me a car. A nice car. With heated seats and automatic everything. New cars are scary because they don’t have dings and dents, and they need to be maintained.

Also By Helena Hunting

Last Updated

  • · The Dragon Who Loved Me
  • · Notorious Nineteen
  • · A Kiss To Remember
  • · Deadly Embrace
  • · Careless Whisper
  • · Ever Fallen in Love
  • · Dark Angel
  • · Fifty Shades of Alice in Wonderland
  • · Just Not Mine
  • · My Ex From Hell

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  • · Notorious Nineteen
  • · Careless Whisper
  • · Deadly Embrace